Horray.. I won 4th place at iLUVContest.

What about the Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009? And what about the SEO Newbies like IndonesianTravel? I can't find that blog on Google Engine. Copo... hahahaha...
For the other Indonesian blogger that has not participated in this contest yet, please join now and start your Kampanye Pemilu 2009. We hope you become the next SEO Master in Indonesia. In a dream. hahaha ...

I'm very happy today. You know why? Because finnaly I became one of the winners in the iLUVContest. I get 4th place in this contest. Wew ..

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5 Responses to "Horray.. I won 4th place at iLUVContest."

  1. gravatar Anonim

    Congratulation Bro.
    EC's sent!!

  2. gravatar Anonim

    Wew dapat bera $$ tuhh.. bagi lah...

  3. yeah you won! :) like to invite take part in Makoy's contest. http://www.makoyskie.com/2009/02/join-big-mak-blog-contest.html

    if you tell makoy referral is me, I get 5 pts, you oso get 3 pts :)

  4. by the way I have send you 4,500EC :) for the prize.

  5. gravatar Anonim

    Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009

    go go go :))

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