Entrecard Credit Giveaways Here !!

Hei blogger !!! Entrecard Credit Giveaways invite you. Anything Goes will officially turn two (2) months old today, January 7, 2009. In this connection, Anything Goes would like to thank all of you who visited, visits and will visit this blog. All your drops and comments are very much appreciated. So in return to your continuing support, Anything Goes giving away a 20,000 Entrecard credits. This is not a contest because everybody will win.

But how to participate?

Simply do the three (3) instructions below:

1. Blog about Entercard Credit Giveaways, to invite others. You need to link back to Entercard Credit Giveaways post and a link to this blog, Anything Goes.
2. Subscribe to Anything Goes feeds via email and be sure to confirm it.
3. Leave a comment in Entercard Credit Giveaways post stating your post url and email address used in subscribing.

By completing this three (3) simple steps, you will get 500 EC. This will only last until all EC will be given away. In short, only (40) 35 participants will get 500 EC. Good luck!

Note : It should only 35 participants who can receive 500 EC

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Ayo berlangganan Lowongan Pekerjaan - Peluang Kerja 2011! Silahkan daftarkan email anda untuk info Lowongan Kerja terupdate dari blog Lowongan Kerja, beasiswa dan peluang usaha ini.

3 Responses to "Entrecard Credit Giveaways Here !!"

  1. gravatar Anonim

    Thanks you for taking part of my giveaway credits but.....
    Please confirm your email subscription to receive 500 EC. Also in your post, all linked in my blog url. You should link one to the my giveaway post, hence, not the referrer's post.

    When done, leave a comment to my giveaway post.


  2. gravatar Anonim

    Woohoo.. Can I not allowed to edit my comment? hehe... sorry, there's wrong in my 1st comment.

    here's the edited:

    Thanks you for taking part of my giveaway credits but.....
    Please confirm your email subscription to receive 500 EC. Also in your post, all linked in my blog url. You should link one to the my giveaway post, hence, here.

    When done, leave a comment to my giveaway post.


  3. gravatar Anonim

    Congratulations, EC sent!

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